En Espanol and In English
Where: 9010 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 116, Miami FL 33186
Cost: FREE for Miami Dade Residents
all others $49
When preparing to buy your first home, it’s important to plan ahead so you can manage your finances and be a successful homeowner.
Our Homebuyer Education course will help you make sound decisions when buying a home. It will not only help you save, but will increase your knowledge of the home buying process.
Do you wonder…
If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, this workshop is for you.
During this workshop, you will…
To register for this class, send email to housing@reach4housing.org or call 786-260-6820
** Children under the age of 18 WILL NOT BE ADMITTED to workshops conducted by REACH. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.